Thursday, July 12, 2012

Revenge (review)

Assalamualikum & salam sejahtera semua... hurmmm disebabkan facebook aku xblh bukak, jd sini jer lah tempat aku membuang masa... hihihihihih :-P ... kali nie aku nk buat review pasal cite revenge... season 1 utk cite nie dah mula dari september 2011 n finale nya pada mei 2012... hurmmm memula aku xde lah tengok pun cite nie, n to be honest sebenarnyer aku xtau langsung pun pasal cite nie huhuhuhuhuh sehinggalah akak aku suruh aku download... memula aku malas gak, sebab aku tengah tengok cite secret circle tp aku try gak tengok 1st episode die, hmmmmm.... not bad after all, cite sal revenge, seorng anak ingin membalas dendam atas pembunuhan ayahnye...

"They say grief occurs in five stages. 
First there’s denial followed by anger then comes bargaining and depression. 
For Most the final stage of grief is acceptance 
but for me grief is a life sentence without clemency. 
I will never accept and I will never forgive 
not even after the man who killed my father lies..." (Amanda Clarke)

Macam aku dh cakap kat atas tu, cite nie berkisahkan dendam, tajuk pun revenge conform2 ler pasal dendam xkan ler nk melalut jd witch lak kan... hihihihihihi :-P ... watak utama cite nie Emily Thorne yg datang ke Hamptons dan cuba menetap di situ (mungkin sebagai summer vacation lah kot kononnya). Tp mcm mana pun, Emily nie sebenarnyer pernah datang ke Hamptons masa kecik. To be exactly Emily nie sebanarnye Amanda Clarke die kembali ke Hamptons untuk membalas dendam atas kematian ayah die semasa dlm penjara. Ayah die pun masuk penjara pun sbb kena tuduh atas jenayah international lebh kurng mcm pemberontakan le kot (klo aku xsilap)... jd Amanda nie tukar nama jd Emily nk try utk memusnahkan semua org yg menyebabkan ayah dia mati n komplot yg mengkhianati ayah die, keadaan jd lebih complicated bila identiti sebenar die hampir terbongkar n Emily Throne yg sebenar dtg mencari Amanda (huhuhuhuhu, cam confuse je kan) tp klo korng tengok sndri korng munckin faham le kot ... plus minus lebih kurng mcm tu ler citenyer... hihihihihi

Cite nie banyak menggunakan kaedah flash back. Pembukaan cite nie dimulakan dgn kejadian pembunuhan n kesinambungan kejadian tu bersambung masa pertengahan season, hahahahaha aku ngat tu utk finale sbnrnyer xsangka lak... though it's a great drama after all :-) ... ada 2watak yg aku suka dlm cite nie, 1st mmg semestinya watak Emily, aku suka watak die yg penuh dgn dendam dan juga watak Victoria Grayson (girlfriend ayah Amanda) blh kata watak jahat dlm cite nie (hurmmm tp xde lah jahat mana pun, huhuhuhuh) aku suka tengok die senyum, senyuman org jahat (senyuman penuh muslihat, hihihihihi) apa2pun mmg style...

Secara keseluruhan, aku boleh cakap yg cite nie mmg best... wajib ditonton, hihihihi :-) season 1 dh pun habis, n aku dgr season 2 akan muncul xlama lg, hahahaha xsabar aku nunggu... (^______^) ok tu jer lah aku rasa utk review drama aku kali nie... apa2pun bagi sapa2 yg xberkesempatan tengok cite revenge nie aku sarankan tengoklah xrugi buang masa nontonnyer... weeee... sebelum aku tamatkan entry kali nie aku nk share sikit lyric lagu utk cite nie... 
"The National- Anyone's ghost"

Say you stayed home
Alone with the flu
Find out from friends
That wasn't true

Go out at night
With your headphones on again
And walk through
The Manhattan valleys of the dead

Didn't want to be your ghost
Didn't want to be anyone's ghost
Didn't want to be your ghost
Didn't want to be anyone's ghost

But I don't want anybody else
I don't want anybody else

You said I came close
As anyone's come
To live underwater
For more than a month

You said it was not inside my heart, it was
You said it should tear a kid apart, it does

Didn't want to be your ghost
Didn't want to be anyone's ghost
Didn't want to be your ghost
Didn't want to be anyone's ghost

But I don't want anybody else
I don't want anybody else
I don't want anybody else
I don't want anybody else

I had a hole in the middle
Where the lightning went through it
Told my friends not to worry
I had a hole in the middle
Someone's sideshow wouldn't do it
I told my friends not to worry

Didn't want to be your ghost
Didn't want to be anyone's ghost
Didn't want to be your ghost
Didn't want to be anyone's ghost

ok lah tu je dari aku... with LOVE & FAITH, story of mine "black friday"


  1. perhhh...ske watak penuh dendam tuh..kekeke

    1. hahahaha, best kot tengok die balas dendam... demm cool
