Wednesday, September 12, 2012

aMerican dReaM (Masterchef US Season 3) -review-

Assalamualaikum & salam sejahtera... kali nie aku nk cerita berkenaan american dream hihihihihihi apa tah yg specialnyer sampai aku nk terbang jauh2 sampai ker america huhuhuhuhuhu Malaysian dream sudoh... huhuhuhuhuh... dua ari lepas aku baru jer abis tengok Masterchef US season 3, jadi nie lah sebabnyer aku terfikir nk buat entry nie... lgpun aku nk cerita pasal Mastercher US season 3 winner yg membuatkan aku rasakan nie lah american dream (hihihihihihi poyo gler, weeeekkkkk :-P )

Christine Ha telah pun ditabalkan sbgi juara masterchef US season 3. Pada aku dialah salah satu simbol kepada american dream... nape aku cakap mcm tu??? korng tau x (bg yg belom tengok lg season nie) christine ha nie merupakan 1st blind contestant dalam sejarah masterchef. aku pun memula terkejut gak, mana xnyer die masuk dgn tongkat (terfikir gak blh ker die survive sampai abis, huhuhuhuhu well she does now) ye lah klo korng tengok season lepas2 terutamanya masa ujian berkumpulan sedangkan yg celik mata pun xblh tahan pressure die, nie kan yg xnampak... (-.-")

Sapa2 pun xkan sangka die akan menang pada mulanye sbb ada beberapa episode she seems crumble 
dan ilang confident tp aku xpernah nmpk die angkuh atau bongkak though she had the best palate after all... die selalu be the underdog. tp mcm mana pun tangisan demi tangisan cabaran demi cabaran die dp semula confident yg membuatkan die seems better than other contestant. huhuhuhuhu mende lah aku mengarut nie...

Untuk finale nie lah yg die masak, mungkin visually tak nampak hebat mcm josh punya tp aku tau ada wow factor dlm nyer, huhuhuhuhu...

Christine's papaya salad
Josh's butter poached lobster


Christine's braised pork belly huhuhuu (-.-")
Josh's rack of lamb

Chistine's coconut lime sorbet
Josh's bacon crusted pecan pie (-.-")
Mcm yg aku ckp josh punya plating seems better apa2pun sbb die blh nmpk tp still xboleh tandingi christine... hahahahahaha sbnrnyer aku xsuka josh masuk final sbb aku lebih suke felex, she's damn hot babe... hahahahaha 

Saat yg paling mendebarkan (huhuhuhuhuh) walaupun aku dh boleh agak sape yg menang...

Kan aku dh cakap, die mmg layak tok bergelar Masterchef... :-)

 Ok lah tu jer yg aku cite pasal american dream si buta tp penuh dengan bakat :-)... sebelum aku akhirkan entry nie aku nk share quote mengenai american dream :-)

“The American Dream is that dream of a land 
in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, 
with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement. 
It is a difficult dream for the European upper classes to interpret adequately, 
and too many of us ourselves have grown weary and mistrustful of it. 
It is not a dream of motor cars and high wages merely, 
but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman 
shall be able to attain to the fullest stature 
of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others 
for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position.”
James Truslow Adams -the epic of america-

Ok lah jumpa lg die entry yg lain pulak yer :-) with LOVE & FAITH, story of mine "black friday" 

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